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Tornado Safety

In the event of a tornado, the safest place to be is an underground shelter, basement or safe room. Seek shelter under sturdy furniture if possible. If no underground shelter or safe room is available, a small windowless interior room or hallway on the lowest level of a sturdy building is the safest alternative. Keep away from windows.
In Shopping Centers, go to a designated shelter area (not to your parked car).
In Office Buildings, go to an interior hallway on the lowest floor, or to the designated shelter area.

In Schools, follow advance plans to a designated shelter area, usually an interior hallway on the lowest floor. If the building is not of reinforced construction, go to a nearby one that is, or take cover outside on low, protected ground. Stay out of auditoriums, gymnasiums, and other structures with wide, free-span roofs.
In Automobiles, leave your car and seek shelter in a substantial nearby building, or lie flat in a nearby ditch or ravine.

In Open Country, lie flat in the nearest ditch or ravine.

Mobile Homes are particularly vulnerable and should be evacuated. Trailer parks should have a community storm shelter and a warden to monitor broadcasts throughout the severe storm emergency. If there is no shelter neaby, leave the trailer and take cover on low, protected ground.

Safety Rules From The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
U.S. Department of Commerce

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Refer a Friend & Earn a Rent Credit offer is effective through March 31st, 2025. Credit is applied on the following month’s rent after new resident has completed one full month of occupancy. Only Rent Credit (no cash value) will be made for referrals pursuant to this offer. To receive a Rent Credit, you must be a tenant under a valid lease in Aylesbury Farms the month the credit is due to be applied. © 2025 AYLESBURY FARMS APARTMENTS

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