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Thunderstorm-Lightning Safety

If you plan to be outdoors, check the latest weather forecast and keep a weather eye on the sky. At signs of an impending storm - towering thunderheads, darkening skies, lightning, increasing wind—tune in your NOAA Weather Radio, AM-FM radio, local weather app or television for the latest weather information.

When a thunderstorm threatens, get inside a home, a large building, or an all-metal (not convertible) automobile. Do not use the telephone except for emergencies.

If you are caught outside, do not stand underneath a tall isolated tree or a telephone pole. Avoid projecting above the surrounding landscape. For example, don’t stand on a hilltop. In a forest, seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees. In open areas, go to a low place, such as a ravine or valley.

Get off or away from open water, tractors, and other metal farm equipment or small metal vehicles, such as motorcycles, bicycles, golf carts, etc. Put down golf clubs and take off golf shoes. Stay away from wire fences, clotheslines, metal pipes, and rails. If you are in a group in the open, spread out, keeping people several yards apart.

Remember - lightning may strike some miles from the parent cloud. Precautions should be taken even though the thunderstorm is not directly overhead. If you are caught in a level field or prairie far from shelter and if you feel your hair stand on end, lightning may be about to strike you. Drop to your knees and bend forward, putting your hands on your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground.

Safety Rules From The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
U.S. Department of Commerce

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